

That is FlyLady's acronym for "can't have anyone over syndrome," and BOY-O do I have it. I'm having sort of a psychological kafluey right now (did YOU know that Seasonal Affective Disorder does wacky stuff to you in the summer too? Crazy, racing thoughts, energy to burn, but somehow never productively, and irritability/weepiness like crazy, in my case. Fun, eh?), and the house is just making me INSANE.

I have SO fallen off the Partners in Clean wagon that it just ain't funny. I actually just sat here and read all of FlyLady's wisdom, and, while I really like some of her ideas, others just won't stick to me (her FLY paper ain't that good), so I'm not going to set myself up for failure by trying to fit myself and mylife into her mold (moisturizer every day? Polishing? Great if that is your life, but it is NOT mine.)

I AM taking her up on somethings though, and crafting them to fit my own style, so I am more likely to work them out. I don't do my surface a day/15 minutes a day because I haven't set myself any systems or routines for actually doing them. Heck, I often don't even manage to pump breast milk until lunchtime, and my little kaflooeys don't help any.

Biggest thing I am noticing though? I don't have a waste basket by my desk. Time to comandeer one...

Also, I can do my 15 minutes (more time delinated than my one surface rule) during morning Sesame Street time, when my girls are fed, clean and not likely to be fighting over anything (don't get me started on the wonders of twins....) Then, if I am *reallly* organized, I can pump during Mr Rogers. (Yes, I am still pumping. Yes, they are almost 13 months old. Yes, they eat 'real' food too. They have had a total of three sniffles between them in their entire lives to date. 'Nuff said.)

One thing that I am being very organized about is getting ready for our first SCA camping event as a four-some. This weekend (K is off!) is our TRY IT OUT weekend - get the back 'lawn' under control enough to pitch our tent on it, and try sleeping out there with the girls, just to get all of us used to it, and our bedtime routines (one place where I actually have some!) down, so, hopefully, we will actually get to camp for all three nights over Memorial Day weekend. I also have to sew (K does the laundry) and pack about a billion little outfits for the girls (K and I have some, obviously) between now and then, and get ready for the classes I am teaching (one on tapestry weaving - don't ask about the mini-warp weighted loom I made this week when I have so much else to do - one on my new A&S challenge, and one on pregancy, nursing, and baby garb).

Good thing I have energy to burn. Now if only I can learn to channel it!

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