
Unisom and good, but sad, news

Unisom works even better than compazine (and no explosions at the *other* end, either!), and it works for about twice as long, so Unisom and Vitamin B6 it is!

Tuesdays are just my good days - two in a row I haven't puked, but come Wednesday...

Ah well - at least I am down to just a few times a day - not so bad when it was almost as many times as years in my age...

And, the little guy stopped growing a week and a half ago, and showed no heartbeat on yesterday's u/s. The twins look great though - perfect size for date, and matching heart rates of 167 bpm. I have been released from Reproductive Endocrinology, and am now officially a patient of Maternal Fetal Medicine. All these 10 dollar words for wanting the most normal thing in the world. Oh well.

I go today to my first twins club meeting - should be exciting/terrifying! Wish me luck!


Compazine and sherbert

are my two new best friends. I am only taking in water based liquids (sherbert, broth, and jello), and must have puked at least 20 times yesterday. So - I called my Dr in desperation last night, and he prescribed Compazine. Ah... It has been over two hours since I last dry heaved, and I am actually able to get moderately comfy for the first time in ages. Hurray!

I'm NOT pushing my luck, and Kevin is still going to try and take a couple of weeks off to help me out - he needs more sleep, and I need more care. We just need to get over this hump... My next U/S is on Wednesday, and we'll know more then, so that will be good.

Meanwhile, I am exercising my brain with logic puzzles, weekend science shows, and inventing wild plants for my husband's computer game. They kill time, and the weeks are passing, one by one. I'm 9 weeks now, so hopefully this won't last much longer...


Mirabile dictu!

I have NOT puked in two days, and I actually got into the studio for a couple of HOURS yesterday! I was working on a big piece of timtex to be cut up for some of the remaining postcards that I owe people, and the quilting has even begun on it, but I won't post a picture until I am ready to back and cut it - just to keep me honest.

I don't know which feels better, honestly - getting in the studio or getting OUT of the bathroom. Ah.... Add the flocks of geese soaring overhead and CSI premiere week to the mix, and I am one VERY happy camper!


You all are the BEST.

I post about my pregnancy here a) to get to vent about stuff, and b) to justify to all of you (and maybe myself too) why art just is NOT happening right now (although I *have* started knitting a baby sweater).

That said, not only do you all keep reading my blather, but you actually *write back with your support* - I am just blown away. I knew that a couple of readers were trying to get pregnant themselves, and polite interest from them was sort of expected, but some of the letters (and the sheer volume of them!) that I have been getting are just so many hugs waiting for me in my mailbox each day.

You all are just SO sweet, and SO VERY, VERY appreciated. I thank you. :)


Sad but good news

I had another u/s on Wednesday, and it showed three little guys - all the right size for age. Two of them look perfect - amniotic sacs like swimming pools, and heartrates in the 140's - right where they should be.

But the gap has opened even wider between the twins and 'the little guy' - the third embryo; his sac barely contains him, and his heartrate was in the very unhealthy 90's.

I'm glad that I got to meet him, but the Dr says that he is 99.9% certain that the little guy is on his way out. I have another u/s in 2 weeks to see if he has gone by then. If not, they think I should have him 'nudged along his way' so that a later miscarriage doesn't risk the twins' health. No fun. As much as I like having him around, I certainly hope that he goes on his own, so that I don't need to make such a horrible choice.

But, I am HUGELY relieved to be having only twins. I have two arms and two breasts, so twins is doable! I am almost 8 weeks in... so obviuosly it is still anyone's game, but I'm feeling better about things now...

In other news, my wheelchair arrived this week, and I actually get to go somewhere *other than the mall* this weekend. In fact, I am going to two different parks on two different days, so I am very excited (even better? I am going this AM *without* my husband. He is a complete peach, but the idea of actually going somewhere without him is almost intoxicating....)

Enjoy, folks, and Happy Harvest!


Morning sickness...

... hit like a wall last night, and has been consuming my every thought and movement since. Sigh... At least I only have two more days until that all important 7 week ultrasound. Meanwhile, ginger ale, a wet washcloth, and getting up slowly are my bestest friends in the world (no offense meant, but you understand!) BTW - my hubby gets BIG bonus points for rubbing my back while I lost my breakfast this AM - he's a sweety.

Enjoy, and *please* continue to create and discuss lots of gorgeous art so I can live vicariously...


more than one?

Ok folks, update time -

I might be pregnant with triplets. It is still WAY early (6 weeks tomorrow), so I may lose any or all of them, but last week's u/s showed three gestational sacs, two substantially bigger than the third. We are likely looking at twins.

I am hungry every couple hours, am still living on narcotics and sleeping , and I think morning sickness is edging its way into the scene. Blech.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know why I have dropped off the planet. I'll let you know what is going on as soon as I do...


My empathy is not fuel for your agenda

I just received this comment to my below post within 5 minutes of posting it.

"Typical liberal response....symbolism ovr substance....

Why don't you send an abortionist down there and kill off all of those un-wanted black babies....

You are an idiot."

Posted by The Shadow to Quilt Art Quests and Quandries... at 9/03/2005 09:21:18 AM


There is an ENORMOUS difference between 'unwanted' and 'bad timing.'

If folks WANT to conceive during all of this, well then, power to them! I can see where such a wonderful blessing at this point would be very calming, and would convey a sense that life will go on, no matter what the devastation.

I can also see where it might be a headache some folks would rather avoid just now. I'm thinking about the folks who normally use birth control, and whom Katrina has taken it away from. They deserve to be able to make their choice too.

And none of this is even looking at STDs - lots of people are looking for whatever comfort they can find right now, and they shouldn't have to risk getting some horrible disease to get it.

And before anyone says that I am saying that 'poor black people have no self-control and are rutting like bunnies' - these people have been through hell, and anything that brings them some peace is a good thing, as long as it isn't hurting anyone. I would prefer if it didn't risk them getting hurt in the process - they don't deserve more pain.


I also feel for the person who felt that they needed to lambast me. Whatever they have dealt with that makes them assume that I am 'one of *those* people' is a travesty.

That said, it would be really nice if people would actually look at the intent behind a posting before deciding that it vallidates their own personal agendas - whether they agree or disagree with me. I am an independant thinker, and I rarely jump on *any* bandwagon; I am much more likely to discover that my own little soapbox fits in nicely with someone else's and enjoy their commeraderie, but I try very hard never to allow their voice to become mine.

If you don't like something that I have to say, please call me an idiot, but please do not insult me by saying that I have 'a typical liberal response.' Most of my views *are* very liberal, but they are, first and foremost, MY views, and not those spoonfed to me by some platform or other.

Also? Have the decency to leave an actual address to reply to - throwing statements out without making *any* provision for dialog is highly unlikely to ever solve anything.

Horrible thought

The devastation of the Gulf Coast is much on my mind. I plan to get lots of diapers and things to the dropoff points here in Vermont to send to the South today when I am out (finally). Gas being what it is, I figured that diapers are a) pretty critical and b) relatively lightweight for the long trip.

I am very pleased to see that so many organizations are getting in there, and I look forward to being part of the effort. I've seen info on not just housepet rescue operations, but also on equine rescue work. I'm glad.

My horrible thought? When you have nothing except grief and frustration and thousands of people, I can imagine that sexual intimacy is one of the few things folks can do to relax, let off some stress, and feel close to each other when so many have been lost. And I bet most folks lost their birth control and STD-preventing condoms. I know that grief has lead me into some less-than-smart situations in my past, and I've NEVER been through what those folks are going through. Talk about short-term peace for long-term consequences.

Since it seems to me that those poor folks don't need any more long-term headaches at this point, and, at the same time, deserve all the peace they can get, I am going to throw a couple of boxes of condoms in with my donation today. Even if they only go to married couples, that will be great, since no one needs to be trying to rebuild their lives and build a baby at the same time, and I'm sincerely afraid that nine months from now folks lives are still going to be *very* disrupted. No one needs that.

And, as usual, I am behind on my AQ digests. I am going to read some of the recent ones today though, hoping that someone who knows how is going to run a fundraiser for Katrina victims. I may have many other sewing projects to finish, and I may have very limited energy at this point, but I WILL contribute my time, energy and prayers to this effort. Likewise, if anyone is coordinating getting quilts to the South, I'm in. In fact, I think I still have some small lovey size quilts left from a show I did years ago. They might go in the box today too... I'd be honored to have them provide some small comfort for a child who has been through hell this week, and has a long journey to wherever home may eventually be.