

I just logged on, read the news, and told my husband that Rosa Parks had died at 92.


I looked at him incredulously and said "Rosa Parks? Montgomery, Alabama? Wouldn't give her bus seat up to a white guy and got arrested, which got MLK to start that huge boycott and *start the civil rights movement?*" (Can you tell that the pitch of my voice was rising the whole time? Lol

He then told me that he had moved around a lot during HS and may have missed that part of American history.

I told him that we had pictures of her up in our classroom in *elementary school*.

He's never heard of her. Didn't even ring a bell when I retold him her story. He didn't even know what the initials in NAACP stood for, but he did know what the group was about.


I get that VT is the whitest state in the country. I get that my husband moved around a lot growing up. But I don't get that schools here never celebrated Black History Month when we were all complaining, just 200 miles south in Boston, that Black History was everyone's history and ought to be incorporated throughout the year - not just dragged out for the shortest month of the year, not to mention one with a week long vaction during it.

Needless to say, I read him the entire article. I guess even 'educated' men didn't learn some things....


Testing, testing...

My old, nice, dependable keyboard just bit the dust. The space bar doesn't work any more, at least not out on the edges where I hit it, with force, after every word. Sigh.

So - here is the new keyboard - same layout, but *NO WHERE NEAR AS GOOD*. (No offence, little board, but you are following the wake of some *smooth* keystrokes...)

So, not that my posts have been frequent lately, but typing has gotten even more trying. Sigh. I *so* enjoyed having my fingers be able to type at the speed of my thoughts. No more.

At least for now.




My husband is mocking my inability and gross unwillingness to roll over. Fooey on him.

I had a *really* long u/s on Tuesday (on a full bladder - wah!) that showed that everything is hunky dory! Baby A (Beck) is a camera hogging acrobat - never staying still. Baby B (Call) is a camera-shy slug-a-bed who want move even if you poke him or her. We saw perfect profiles on both (little noses and chins) and 10 little fingers on Beck.

Why Beck and Call? Say that to yourself for a minute... YUP - that is me - 24/7! Also, since the one we lost was lower in my uterus, that one would have been A, and these would have been B and C, so the nicknames sort of honor their missing sibling.

In other news, I have only puked twice in the last 4 days! Hurray! I am 13 weeks nnow, so my morning sickness is tapering off right on schedule. Hurray! The babies are perfect size and heart rate for age, so I am happy. We'll find out genders just after Turkey Day when they do a lvl 3 anatomical u/s just to make sure everything about their little bodies is good to go!


A change in the weather

In addition to the copious amounts of rain pounding us this last week, I A) gained weight for the first time in my pregnancy thanks to Mom's cooking in Boston last weekend, and B) might actually be seeing the end of the morning-noon-and-night sickness that has been plaguing me for a month now! Hurray!

I will be 12 weeks prengnant in the next few days, so I am a third of the way through to seeing these guys born. Kevin is thinking about going back to work, and we are trying to find foods that take minimal prep for maximal nutrition and all around yumminess. Hopefully we are moving the futon today - (or rather I will supervise HIS moving of the futon) from its summer residence by the AC to its winter home by the heater and better light source. I'm just glad that it isn't colder out, or all of this rain could be SNOW! Yikes!

Studio? Art work? What are those? I colored most of a plate of the Human Brain coloring book the other day, and put a couple of stitches into my needlepoint this AM, but that is it. I haven't even been able to finish my post cards for heaven's sake! (But you WILL get them eventually - sorry for the tardiness!!!) Right now my creative and productive juices are going no farther than my uterus... good for the long haul, but boring in the short term! Daytime TV would be a complete bust without the numerous science channels we pay through the nose for...


"High Risk"

That is the official term for my twin pregnancy since my medical record is in a BINDER now. Oh well. At least I really like my Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist, Dr Helen Feltovich. Now if I can just stop puking...


Sheep and Wool!!!!!!

Not much going on here, but I thought I'd check in anyway, since some of you seem to still be reading along with my pregnancy induced woes...

Word to the wise: Don't get a nasty head cold when you have morning sickness. You'd think that the staggering lack of olfaction would help in the puking department, but I have two words for you: Post-nasal drip. Snot running down the back of one's throat is almost garunteed to trigger one's gag reflex, as does blowing one's nose. I puked about 30 times yesterday (can't take any of the good drugs pregnant!) after not puking AT ALL on Saturday (or so far today, for that matter, but let's not jinx me, ok?)

The timing of said cold was *perfect* however. That no puke Saturday I mentioned? VT Sheep and Wool festival. Melody would have made her man sell his bike to pay for the goodies - honest! Even my DH Kevin bought a bag of merino/silk blend in great turquoise and maroon blends to spin up. Yeah, you heard me - spin. There was plenty of ready to knit yarn there (in alpaca, angora, bamboo, wool - you name it) but I am WAY more of a spinner than a knitter (baby sweaters in progress notwithstanding) and was in *desperate* need of a drum carder. Anyone who knows what I am talking about will know the price tag associated with such marvelous devices. Anyone with no clue whatsoever will notice that I used the past tense when refering to my drum carder jones....

So... $304 dollars later (gulp) I am the proud owner of a drum carder. Now the $200 worth of dyed locks (from my pre-dying days) sitting in my closet can finally get carded and *fed to the machine*!!! Joy!

You KNOW that I had to get some natural white locks to dye myself too though, right? Another $20 there (which I thought was VERY restrained, since she had 4.5 lbs of *prewashed* Coopworth sitting there!!!), plus two rainbow dyed rovings for the twins ($10 each) and an ohmigodmustspin 8 oz ball of core-frosted alpaca (dark brown on the inside, white on the outside). YUMILICIOUSNESS at its blinkin finest. I justify it by thinking that I'll spin it up and give it to my mother in law for a Xmas present. She's a great knitter, see, and I *finally* finished the ohIhatetoworkfromtop black that I ordered from my dear cousin-in-law Halcyon last year that I am supposed to send to said mother in law for a sweater for said son/husband.

Halcyon's stuff is amazing, btw, if you haven't discovered her yet - she has this great "yarn store in a box" that is just stuckathomeonarainyday and needingafondle heaven. But I won't order top from her again. VERY nice, if you like top. I spin for relaxation, and don't find spinning top to be very relaxing, so... but it was black and available, so I got a pound of it from her. And it is FINALLY done, almost a year later. Talk about an albatross.

Which reminds me of Serenity. We went after sheep and wool on Sat, and it was probably too much for me, but I'm still glad we went. I am NOT happy with them though - great movie except for them killing off characters!!!!!!! The first death I understood - unfortunate, but ok. The second death spells the death of the ensemble dynmamic for me - talk about a key character! The only way they could have ticked me off more would have been to have killed off Kaylee (who has *aged* since the show - wowzers!)

Enough of my ramble - Kevin is going to give me a push around the block soon to enjoy the sunshine, and I am VERY much looking forward to it. Enjoy!