
Anyone remember this piece? This is Swoops, aka The Magic Schoolbus. It has been languishing on my design wall (in its intended vertical orientation) since the summer of 2005. Pa The Tic.

Anyway, I have, with the help of Eric Maisel, art coach, come to a major conclusion: Not finishing my crap is *2* strikes against it. If I just finish the ratzenfratzen stuff, I might find that not everyone thinks it is the crap that I think it is. Better yet? Even if it turns out that my stuff really IS headed for tertiary treatment at the local sewage plant, at least it will be DONE AND OFF MY WALL. That, all by itself, would be a huge blessing.

Therefore, my art project of the week: I actually took Swoops down and worked on it, and PLAN to have it FINISHED (or at least ready for backing) by Wednesday noontime (so I can show it to someone that afternoon). My daughter, Dana, happened to be in the studio with me when swoops came off the design wall, and, much to my chagrin, she almost died of shock; I don't think she knew that things weren't up there permanently and COULD come down. This piece hasn't budged since before she was conceived, and here we just bought her first pair of Big Girl shoes for her playdate at the park today. Sigh.

No need to beat myself up for what I haven't gotten done before now though - I have learned those lessons, and punishing myself for not having learned them sooner is pointless. I am NOW working on getting this piece finished, and that feels great.

BTW - I opened Picassa to gather together my photos of finished work for my gallery page. It (depressingly) didn't take long. Some of the pictures are lousy, some pieces I just don't have pictures of, and, well, I just haven't finished that much work, obviously. So - I need to take some new pictures, juggle computers for lack of a connecting cable, and then I'll get back to you.
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One year later

My girls just turned one year old. What a year! They are such big girls now; not really babies anymore. Waah! I am so proud of them though - Dana has become outright generous (even giving her favorite lovey to her sister when Rowyn was sad), and Rowyn has taken to talking on a pretend phone whenever I talk on the real one. Guess I spend too much time on the phone, eh? Sigh... Time to get them into the studio with me so they can see what I REALLY spend my time doing when I am not in the superyard with them!

Check back to this post later, to give me time to unpack the camera and post pics of our birthday trip to the New England Aquarium!


Body of Work

Funny that this title includes the word 'work,' eh? No one calls it their body of play.

Anyway - I *am* actually working on a gallery site for my work. I'm not sure what I will PUT there yet (lol), but folks *will* actually get to see my work.