
I know that folks have wanted a more recent picture of my girls, so here they are, Rowyn and Dana, at 11 months (less than three weeks ago). Dana's hair is still completely out of control, obviously. I keep hoping that it will grow out enough for me to tuck behind her ears, but her curls (not really evident here, as she needed a tubby in a *bad* way) kind of don't really take to 'tucking' very well. We've tried headbands (wound up around her neck - ack!), and barrettes sort of scare me since I got one stuck in my skull back in fourth grade (don't ask), so no go there. Elastics look too cute for words, and NO, I won't show you the pictures (at least not today). Suggestions welcome. Rowyn, true to form, has easy hair, even if it is getting in her eyes now. Go figure.
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